Fine art photography extends beyond mere visuals; it explores the soul – a celebration of the female form in its most provocative state. Dusil Photography blends beauty and artistry, creating images that are not only sexy but profoundly artistic. Each image tells a story of elegance, glamor, and timeless allure.

I began to focus on art nude back in 2019. I asked an actress, Benazir “Beni” Jursunbek, if she wanted to do a photoshoot while attending a video production. I remember being so nervous to even broach the question. I meticulously planned out our session with a site visit a few days in advance. I planned out all my poses and my angles. Our session took place during golden hour, so it was important for me to get a handle on where the sun was falling at every specific location.
The spreads turned out to be awesome. As I edited her images, I realized that I could turn this skill into a career. Here are the images from our photoshoot.
Although my session with Beni was a fashion photoshoot, I still consider this to be my starting point into fine art nudes. For the first couple of years I waited for the springtime to begin scheduling sessions. I finally lost patience waiting for the chills of winter to finish, so I bought some professional soft boxes and converted my apartment into a studio. I finally had the freedom to explore nude photography in the privacy of my own atelier.

My goal in every photo shoot is to establish an emotional connection with my model. I never want a model to pose in a virtual bubble at one end of the room and me isolated at the other end. I try to avoid these engagements at all costs. I want every photo shoot to be an existential experience for both of us – to become friends and appreciate each other as emotional and vulnerable human beings.
I seek to capture each model’s spirit. This requires overcoming three obstacles: First and foremost I want her to relax; I then try to bring out her inner confidence; Thirdly, and most importantly, I want her to trust me. It’s a tall order but when I succeed then we have the freedom to create magic.
I also strive for achievable perfection. Approaching the pinnacle of my capabilities is a journey with no defined destination as my skills and tastes evolve. Many artists see their creations as their children. I see my photos in the same light. Synchronized emotions with my models inspires my best results.
I want all of my models to give themselves to me completely because I’m doing the same in return – no inhibitions, no distractions, and no insecurities. Purity from the depths of our souls. This is my path to capturing the best photos. Even if I get to this stage then I don’t stop there. My ultimate goal is to capture her visceral energy – her wild and feral emotions that are rarely seen by anyone. Getting to this level is extremely rare, but if I succeed then our photos take on a whole new meaning.

Many photographers have influenced me throughout the years. My first ‘coffee table book’ was Herb Ritts, “Works”, Bulfinch Press, ©1989. His style still resonates with me to this day. In the ‘90s I was greatly influenced by Sports Illustrated photographers, Russell James, Raphael Mazzucco, and Walter Iooss Jr.
My current favorite fine art nude photographers are Bruno Bisang, Andreas Bitsnich and David Bellemere. But the best of the best is Alexander Mavrin, from St. Petersburg, Russia. I have far to go to reach the heights of these legends, and I will enjoy every step forward.
I am quite strict with the female models I photograph. I’m drawn to a specific look and temperament. My portfolio is currently focused on models between 18 and 32 years old, and in good shape. I have detailed specifications outlined on my website’s FAQ (i.e. Frequently Asked Questions). I’m aware that my pickiness evokes a lot of controversy. Especially with how the industry has evolved over the past two decades with more inclusivity. I’m certainly on board with the LGBTQ2+ movement, and the fact that everybody is beautiful, regardless of culture, shape and age. But the focus of my photography is very specific, and I’m happy to keep it that way.

An age-old joke in the artistic community goes something like this: “Never tell an artist that you want their painting in blue”. I photograph images that I personally find alluring and provocative. I cater to an audience of one. If it doesn’t spark an emotion, then I delete it. But my true audience are female models who come across my portfolio, fall in love with my photos and can’t wait to shoot with me. That is my greatest reward.
When all is said and done, I would love to photograph beautiful women from every culture and ethnicity from all around the world.
• Photographer • Designer • Creativist • Writer • Blogger
• Founder • Strategist • Entrepreneur • Speaker
• Teacher • Trainer • Geek • INTJ • Sigma • Father
I’m somewhat of an unusual participant in the world of fine arts. In high school, I contemplated photography as a career, but fate had other plans. I met a newspaper photographer at the tail end of my studies. He was covering a local beauty pageant in which my girlfriend was participating. I approached him and asked what it was like working as a photographer. I don’t remember his exact words, but he looked disheveled, and his lackluster response made me shy away from photography. I decided at that moment to pursue an education in engineering physics. At the time, it seemed to be a financially safer career option while still enjoying the benefits of photography as a hobby. In hindsight, it was a win-win decision. After 30 years of Information Technology, I’ve come full circle and I’m now fully immersed in the world of fine art nude photography.

I come from an artistic family. My mother was a veterinarian – now retired – but also a prolific oil painter. My sister inherited our mother’s skills and dialed it to eleven! She’s very gifted and continues to be the inspirational cornerstone of my creative journey. I watch how she consistently creates beautiful works of art, sourced purely from her mind.
Whether pimping stuff, carpentry, blogging, graphic design, motion graphics, or photography – I realized that I consistently create something from other things. For this reason, I consider myself a “creativist”, not an artist.
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