Fluffer Magazine #7 out now! 21 September 2015 3810Autumn is here, and while the leaves fall from trees, Fluffer Magazine #7 is out with 116 pages full of the best photographers...
Fluffer Magazine #4 out now! 18 May 2015 8122May has brought the fourth issue of Fluffer Magazine, 116 pages full of the best photographers and contemporary artists! Some things are changing...
«Beauty in the age of selfie is almost toxic». Interview with Rebecca Tillett 12 March 2015 1316Rebecca Tillett is the talented mind and eye we hosted on the very first issue of Fluffer Magazine. Her brilliant...
Rebecca Tillett e il lungo addio americano 7 March 2014 1053Rebecca Tillett è una sopravvissuta, e come tutti i sopravvissuti ha una storia che non vuole raccontare, di conseguenza regala...